Welcome to Day 17 of our {Freedom From Clutter in 40 Days} challenge! Have you been following along with us for the past 17 days? Are you feeling the “Freedom” yet? I know I sure am! It really is amazing how much just 15 minutes a day can impact even the most daunting decluttering job. Little by little I’m getting my home back! It’s such a good feeling and as I have been decluttering in the back of my mind I’ve been thinking that I definitely don’t want it to get this way again. So I’ve come up with 5 Ways To Prevent Clutter!
As I have been tackling this decluttering challenge I have been seeing a lot of areas that were just unnecessary clutter that would be easy to prevent. After 40 days of busting my hump and getting my home back I definitely want it to stay this way. I’m sure you feel the same way. So here are 5 Ways To Prevent Clutter that I came up with during my decluttering process.
- Buy reusable grocery bags! As you can see from the picture above I had really stocked up on plastic bags! While I do use some to line my bathroom garbage can instead of buying them there is absolutely no way I would ever use this many bags. The idea of how much waste this is creating is quite sad too. So I got rid of all of them except for 5. I don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner! The reusable bags fit much more in them and are stronger. It makes bringing in the groceries so much easier and I can get it done more quickly.
- Use a Meal Planner! This is an idea that I’ve been wanting to try for a while. By planning your meals and shopping for just those ingredients you can save money and waste less food. I always feel so guilty throwing away food that has gone bad. I know that with fresh produce it can be challenging to prevent this but coming up with a plan at the beginning of the week instead of just buying a bunch of random things in the hopes that I’ll make it will definitely help.
- Rein in your Impulse Purchases! Ok, you know we’ve all had these weak moments. The airbrushed Tony Alamo Hollywood jacket encrusted with Swarovski crystals that you just had to have and only wore once! The 3 gallons of glue that you picked up at the yard sale because it was such a good deal you just couldn’t pass it up! And the giant Rooster Butler holding a tray when you were going through your Rooster phase! Next time you’re out and you get that “feeling” remember these things and ask yourself, “Do I really need this?”
- Go Paperless! There are many ways you can cut down on the clutter that comes in the mail. If you already pay your bills online then it only makes sense to actually receive the bills that way too. If you have a lot of magazine subscriptions that you don’t even read…cancel them! Any junk mail that still comes after you’ve tried canceling it make sure it goes straight into the recycling bin.
- Avoid Yard Sales and Thrift Stores! If your house looks like your getting ready to have a yard sale then you probably shouldn’t be going to a yard sale! It can be too tempting to pass up a good deal (like the 3 gallons of glue!). Rein it in! Make a list for the essentials that you need and stick to it.
These are some of the things I plan on implementing or practicing after I gain my “Freedom” completely back. I’m finally feeling like I can breathe again and I don’t want to go back to the old ways.
If you can relate to this then you should know you’re not alone! My blogger friends and I have started a Face Book group where we share our tips, ideas and latest posts. It’s growing everyday with people just like you and me! We’d love for you to join and share in the Decluttering “FUN” with us! It’s ok if you come to the party late. There are so many great ideas and tips. We wouldn’t want you to miss out! We plan to carry it on even after the 40 Days have been completed. Just click here for the link to join!
Make sure you stop by and visit Lydia to see her latest post: Flat Surfaces are the Devil! and Christina with her latest posts on Tackling Clothing Clutter : Pants and Shorts and Tackling Clothing Clutter: Dresses and Skirts.
Sharing this at: Wine’d Down Wednesday Wow Us Wednesday
Once you get some decluttering under you belt make sure you take some time to refuel! Here are some of my latest recipes. Just click on the picture for the recipe.
All great ideas! I’m working through clutter myself! It really is a commitment.