Welcome back to {Freedom From Clutter in 40 Days} day 30!! Can you see the light at the end of the tunnel? I bet you can see a lot of things more clearly now that you’ve done all that Decluttering! Have you joined our Facebook Group yet? Click here to join so you don’t miss […]
5 Ways To Prevent Clutter {Freedom From Clutter in 40 Days}
Welcome to Day 17 of our {Freedom From Clutter in 40 Days} challenge! Have you been following along with us for the past 17 days? Are you feeling the “Freedom” yet? I know I sure am! It really is amazing how much just 15 minutes a day can impact even the most daunting decluttering job. […]
One Drawer At A Time {Freedom From Clutter in 40 Days}
Welcome to {Freedom From Clutter in 40 Days} challenge! I’m joining forces with some great bloggers during this Lenten season to gain a little Freedom from the Clutter in my home “One Drawer At A Time” and we want you to join us! To everything there is a season….A time to keep and a […]